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116 Oliver Street Grafton 2460
Our Sunday Service
116 Oliver Street Grafton 2460
Grafton Presbyterian church is theologically a Reformed Evangelical Church.
The Presbyterian Church of Australia officially adheres to
The Westminster Confession of Faith read in light of
The Declaratory Statement. The simple core beliefs are found here.
These core beliefs are a summary of some important truths that our church along with many other evangelical churches, hold to:
The Bible is the inspired, inerrant and living Word of God. Therefore, we see the Bible as completely true, completely relevant and having the final authority on all aspects of our lives.
God exists in three persons as the Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
He is the one true God who is eternal,
omnipotent (all-powerful), omnipresent (all present) and omniscient (all-knowing) and He created all things.
Sin is the rejection by mankind of God’s authority and failure to meet His standard.
Sin separates us from God and since all humanity has sinned, everyone is spiritually dead without Jesus Christ.
People are powerless to address the problem of sin on its own and no amount of righteous acts or good works can help humanity rectify this fallen state.
Salvation is possible only through Jesus Christ and without Him there is no reconciliation with God.
It is only by the death of Jesus on the cross that our sins can be paid for, so that we can be forgiven by God.
We are both justified (made right) and sanctified (made clean) by the blood of Jesus.
Those who believe in the risen Jesus Christ can enter into a reconciled relationship with God and receive eternal life.
This promise of salvation through Jesus is only applied to those who have faith in the risen Jesus Christ.
We are saved purely by God’s grace and not by any works or efforts of our own.
We believe in one universal church, with Christ as the head, that all believers belong to.
Our Lord Jesus will return to judge at an unknown time. All people, both those that are living and all the dead who will be raised to life, will face judgment.
Those in Christ will live eternally with Him upon the new earth.
Those who have rejected Jesus will spend eternity without Him.
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